The mission of DICE Creative Art & Media (CAM) is to use the powerful mediums of Design, Art, Communication and Film to foster a drastic and fundamental change in the thought process of academia, independent artists, creative entrepreneurs and industry. CAM will be the spark of creation and innovation that will lead to the promotion of Art & Media, knowledge sharing, collaboration, networking and capacity building. In the short term, CAM will offer tools, contacts and cross national opportunities to speed the process as well as begin the important change of inward image creation and outward image perception. The far-reaching goal is to create a shift of thinking from a culture of memorization and regurgitating to a culture of abstract thinking and creationism. This new focus on innovation within the creative community will be a fundamental pillar of shifting the mainstream thought process towards a culture of forward thinking that will lead to socio-economic development in Pakistan of all forms.
AREAS OF FOCUS: Open format including the exhibition of Short-Films, Visual and Digital Art.


Sindh Madressatul Islam University is a unique institution in Pakistan because of its association with the founder of the country, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Readmore

Focal Person

  • Qurrat-ul-Ain Memon

Contact Us

  • Phone: +92 21 99217501-3
    Fax : +92 21 99217504
    Hasrat Mohani Road, Karachi-74000, Pakistan.

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